Day plan in Kyoto.

Okay. I know this is gonna be insane to do buuut… My dad and I only have a day in Kyoto and I want to go to the following places:

9am: We arrive in Kyoto from Yokohama
– Leave bags in the hotel then go to Arashiyama
– Will stay around the area probably around 3pm since I made lunch reservations at 2pm
– Next plan will be Fushimi Inari
-Then Kiyomizu-dera
– If I still have to will to walk, will go to the Observation Tower at night since it’s a 10min walk from the hotel we’re staying.

I’m also thinking of going to Kiyomizu first then Fushimi Inari instead. Lol, I did check the locations of each place and they’re almost opposite of each other.

by purplehorizonskies

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