(Question about) greetings in Japanese when arriving and leaving

Japanese has a set phrase for leaving your home “行ってきます” and coming back “ただいま”. For the one that stays it’s “行ってらっしゃい” and “おかえり”.

For work, they similarly have some phrases. “お先に(失礼します) and おつかれさま (でした).

What kind of greetings would be used for an (after school) club. I imagine the greetings at the start will just be the standard ohayou and konnichiwa etc. But would “お先に(失礼します) and おつかれさま (でした) be appropriate when leaving or greeting someone who leaves? I feel like it’s something of an in-between.

  1. I haven’t been in a school club, but for hobby clubs that’s exactly how it works. I found it more weird that some people would greet you with おはよう even in the evening if they meet you for the first time that day.

  2. if you are greeting to older members of the club, 失礼します。

    if you are greeting to those who are your age or younger, be casual such as バイバイ or じゃあ、etc.

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