Waddup guys. I used to not get much conjugation practice and simply started forgetting the rules because of inactivity.
I did/learned 3 things that helped me get it right 19/20 times (I still struggle with a few ru-ending godan verbs).
- If a -ru verb ends in -iru or -eru it is most likely Ichidan
- This random suffix table on: https://tandem.net/blog/conjugate-verbs-japanese
- Practice on this site: https://baileysnyder.com/jconj/
Originally, I started with a textbook, some Busuu and YT videos, but they always go on yapping and yapping or present information in such a nonintuitive way that it's baffling to me.
I realize that this isn't anything special but maybe it helps some of you.
by NikuToWain