Looking for a furnished 2(L)DR apartment in Osaka for a short-term stay (6 months)

Dear all,

I am sure that you all heard that Japan is going to introduce digital nomad visas for foreigners. Well, since I have always been dreaming of living in Japan this seems to me like the perfect opportunity to experience a "light" version of it. Obviously my desire would be to stay in Osaka, somewhere from end of September until end of March. Nevertheless I am already struggling with finding a place to stay for these six months, except for some Airbnb's that are far from acceptable in terms of price/value.

I am searching for a furnished apartment that could house me, my wife and my toddler for this period of time. Location is less critical, I would be perfectly fine with suburbs like Sakai City etc., but we do need some space. Optimally, it would be a 2-room apt with at least 45-50m2.

In terms of budget I'd say up to 200.000jpy would be acceptable, although the cheaper the better 🙂

Can anyone point me in the right direction, or do you have a friend of a friend who may be subletting?

Thank you all very much in advance!

by mystic-ado

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