Help me refine my 12 day Japan itenerary

Help refining 11 Day Japan itenerary

Hello, I will be leaving to Japan soon and would like to refine my itinerary. I would love to get your suggestions on what I should do and what are some recommend spots I should visit.

Day 1)
Arrive to Narita around 3PM. Set up ESIM, SUICA, get cash from the ATM. Then will board a bus to our hotel in Shinjuku (We will be staying in Shinjuku for our first 4 days in Tokyo). Grab some food, go to Tokyo Sky tree, then call it a night.

Day 2)
Visit Akihabara area. Spend the day shopping and exploring for electronics and anime related stuff

Day 3)
Ginzo are. Will be doing some Clothes shopping

Will spend the day exploring shibuya. We also get ready for our trip to Kyoto

We will be going to Kyoto early in the morning. Will spend the day exploring shrines and the Gion area.

6) exploring the golden pavilion, bamboo forest and Nijo castle.

Day 7) we plan on doing a day trip to Amanohashidate. Spend the day exploring the coast and relax. Will come back in the evening and get ready for our trip to Osaka.

Day 8) go to Osaka mostly for the the Nintendo world and good food.

Day 9) Spend the day at Mount Fuji if the weather is good enough.

10) on our way back to Tokyo, we make a stop for Kamakura and spend a day in the seaside city.

11) this day I have no clue what I should do in Tokyo 🫠

Day 12)
Also don’t know what to do, I leave around 4pm so I’ll only have half a day.

Sorry if my itenerary sounds like crap, I want to get your feedback and see what I can improve on going forward.

by GreedyPresentation26

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