home base recommendations- Tokyo

going to Japan for a 2nd time during the first 2 weeks of November later this year. will be wife and I (both 40) and 2 kids (10&9), last trip we packed a lot into our few days in Tokyo (did the golden triangle) and spent a little time in most of the neighborhoods around the Yamanoto line but I think we rushed through most of it tbh.

this trip I want to spend a ~week in Tokyo and just take it easy, explore, etc.

our main likes are food, experiences, shopping, shrines (probably in that order)

can you all recommend a good home base for the time in Tokyo?

second , we love being outdoors (nature, hiking, etc). I have been learning Japanese myself since our last visit and feel more comfortable veering of the tourist path and would like to spend the other week somewhere less traveled. that said, suggestions? there's so many options and so little time 🙁

by Burrito2525

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