Giant Hornet flew into my house!

I live in a forest mountain town. My house is about 150+ years old and I built a new attached 90sqm wood building that I use as my office and hang out space. Anyway tonight a giant hornet flew around the room and landed about 4 meters up, just over my desk. He has been walking around the beam for a few hours.

How do you remove a friggin giant hornet?

If I upset him he might spray venom or try and sting me. I don’t want to spray poison because this is a living space, with small children.

Any tips?


  1. If it’s daytime, leave the room and turn the lights off. Open two windows to get a cross breeze. Wasps (and many other flying insects) will fly into the breeze and toward the light. (The leaving the room part comes last.)

    For next time, buy a kids’ insect-catching net.

  2. Its hard but not impossible to get a hunting license and gun in Japan.

  3. Say your standing reach is about 2.3 metres and you have a vacuum with an extension tube that will allow you to cover the remaining 1.7 metres of distance (or maybe something like a ladder to getter you closer up to the hornet), you can try to vacuum it up and then either release it outside or throw out the bag entirely depending on the type of vacuum.


    Or do something similar to what another commenter said, remove all the sources of light in the room, put a flashlight type object in the middle of the room and throw a bucket on top of it when the hornet comes to the light. Slide a flat surface underneath the bucket (like a piece of cardboard) and take it all outside.

  4. You should probably scout around your house to see if there is a nest nearby. Although they can fly quite a distance, if there is a nest nearby your place then it could be dangerous for your small kids.

  5. So my Japanese wife opened one of the 2 windows that physically slide open and Mr. Hornet immediately flew at the closed part of the window and then my wife used a long pole to scoot him out the window. And that’s it. I was a little disappointed that the whole incident was over. Something in me wanted or expected more drama. After all the reason we moved to a 3000 person town is for less drama.

    Thanks for all the great suggestions.

  6. “I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.”

  7. I use a vacuum cleaner with the long tube attached. It’s worked every time so far. I’d guess I’ve done it close to 10 times by now.

  8. Spray him with alcohol spray. It actually works faster than insecticide sprays and is non toxic.

  9. It won’t spray venom on you but it might sting you if it feels threatened.

    Next year, buy about five of [these]( and set them out around your property on May 1st (the date is important). No more giant hornets.

  10. Swat it with your hand so fast that it couldn’t respond and sting you back…Or you could get those specialized spray from home centers that work wonder at killing hornet fast.. all the best to you🫰🫰

  11. As much I hate killing bugs you might have to smack the shit out of him. I think In this hot weather they are lookin for a place to cool down and they saw your house as an option. Today a smaller sasume bachi was desperately trying to get in my car it was insane. And after so many attempts he gave up flew directly to another car.

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