Where should my wife and I add a day for our 3-week trip?

My wife and I are going to Japan in January 2025 for 3 weeks, and we realized we have one day unaccounted for. We are debating three different cities where we would add an extra day to. Where would you recommend we add some time to?

Kyoto – from 4 full days to 5 full days, would probably add on a day trip to Uji or Kurashiki with the extra day

Shibu Onsen – from 2 full days to 3 full days, and we would add an extra day to our Ryokan stay and probably add a small trip to Obuse

Tokyo – from 4 full days to 5 full days, and we’d either add a day trip or just explore more of Tokyo since it’s so huge.

Thanks for any tips and advice!

by bobbybev95

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