Should I help a drunk stranger?

Hello Everyone!

This may be a dumb question and I think the best answer is probably to mind my own business but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. I am new to Osaka and honestly new to drinking and nightlife (I'm 21F). And that has led me to notice that there are many incredibly drunk women alone at night in Osaka and specifically my questions pertains to on the train.

Today on the train I saw woman falling asleep on a stranger next to her and she loudly dropped her phone on the ground and did not notice/didn't make any move to get it. Someone picked up the phone and put it next to her. I had an urge to ask her if she was okay and what stop she was getting off at but ultimately didn't.

So my questions are:
1. Should I help a drunk stranger who may be in danger of not making it home or worse?
2. What will happen if a drunk person doesn't make their stop? Will the station attendant help? or
will the police or paramedics get involved?
3. If I should help, what would be the best way? Or is there any services I can call? Does Osaka/ Japanhave good samartian laws or something similar?

I think generally I understand common sense in terms of if they are accompanied by another drunk person it's probably fine. Or if it jepodizes my own safety it's a no-go. And I'm also not looking for any philosophical answers about what we owe society cause I feel like that could go awry. I am looking for some practical older Osaka sibling advice and information.

Arigatou Gozaimasu!

by Less-Ad-4444

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