What are some of the more bizarre crimes you’ve heard of foreigners committing in Japan?

One that sticks in my memory is of this guy who flew in from the Netherlands for his first time In Japan, took the train into Tokyo from Narita airport and was walking somewhere in the city. Then for some bizarre reason, he took umbrage at the way an elderly Japanese lady was looking at him, so he walked over and beat her to death in the street. Literally within the first few hours of arriving. Dude was like a kill-shot fired from Amsterdam at Tokyo, homing in on this random old lady… Anyone else know of something crazy a foreigner has done here?

EDIT: To all the naysayers who think this is B.S because they didn't find it with a google search, it happened probably close to 20 years ago. I read it in either the Yomiuri or Japan Times and it stuck in my mind this whole time. I wouldn't be able to find a link now though because I can't remember the exact year I read it, and i suck at researching! I DID read it though, and my Japanese wife remembers it too! We were both like, WTFFF?
Anyone know a Japanese crime journalist who specializes in gaijin murders?

by WhaChur6

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