Advice on Applying for Permission for Other Activities in Japan. (Freelancing)

Hi Everyone,

I am currently working in Japan on a professor visa. I want to apply for "Permission to engage in other activities". I am planning to do some freelancing as a web developer. I do not have a contract so I am not sure what to submit as evidence of the intended activities. I already got permission from my current employer and I also submitted my 個人事業の開業・廃業等届出書, but I do not have any job offer lined up. Does anyone have experience with this? The last time I went to the immigration office they told me I could submit a letter stating my working hours at my current job and the hours I intend to work outside the scope of my visa. However, they mentioned that it would be really difficult to get the permit without a contract since they can't be sure I won't work more than 28 hrs per week.

Any advice?

Thank you!

by Similar-Edge8408

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