Anyone else having issues pre-ordering books on Amazon Japan?

I order quite a few books from Amazon, especially comics, and the ‘pre-order’ option seems to have disappeared. I usually have anywhere from 10-25 upcoming books on my Wish List and wait til around 2 months out to pre-order. It has never been an issue until this past month where everything on my wish list shows ‘see all buying options’ and when clicking on the items shows ‘unavailable’. No pre-order option at all.

I chatted with a rep online and they said I just have to wait until the books are available. They didn’t seem to think it was a technical issue. That seems ridiculous to me that pre-ordering is no longer an option. Many of the books I order are from smaller publishers and unless pre-ordered, end up having to be bought from secondary sellers at a mark-up.

Anyway, anyone seeing this issue too? Any other decent options for getting comics? I’m considering kinokuniya’s online shop but have never used them before.

by BlueHarvestJ

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