How to deal with power harassing teacher?

Really tired of the teacher I work with. She will constantly say stupid and mean comments about me in class in front of the students. I am freaking tired of being made a fool of. I've already complained 3 times to the BoE about this teacher.

Their most recent comments were I didn't know why swiss cheese had holes in it because I'm an American. Don't see the connection there. Later in the same class she was explaining some kind of expression in entirely Japanese and I wasn't paying attention since it's in Japanese and usually it doesn't have anything to do with me. She then asks me to explain in English and give some examples of the expression as she was apparently describing in Japanese. I gave some example of what we were talking about in English previously but she kept saying NO NO, and kept talking in Japanese. I kept trying to ask her in English what kind of situation and such. But in the end she said in front of the class, I think you need to study Japanese more.

The junior high school JTE can't use English with the ALT? I'm the one at fault? WTF

UPDATE 7/3: Thank you everyone for the good advice and funny comments! Yesterday the principal talked with the BoE about this teacher. Prior to this I had to give the BoE a report of the instances I felt harassed or being rude to. I don't think much will change, but I think I've done just about everything I can do. Hoping for the best.

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