Thoughts on the blocks? Who are you hoping wins the qualifying leagues, who are you hoping advances, general thoughts on the participants.

I'm hoping Ishii and Taichi make it, and I'm thinking Ishii will but it'll probably be Tanahashi in B B Block. I could see TJP making it which would give him a lot of heat for me lol but they seem to be very into him.

I'm guessing none of the guys who are in the qualifying tournament are people with a chance of advancing, so we can speculate on that now. I'm betting the top 3 in A Block will be Naito, Umino and ZSJ and in B Block will be Finlay, Narita and Tsuji.

Overall very good blocks, the one thing I'm very sad about is that once again you won't have Taichi and ZSJ in a block together, likely no Taichi at all which is devastating. The other big miss for me is not putting Gabe and HENARE together, although Tsuji and HENARE is one I've hoped to see for a while and I'm very happy with that. Also a really big fan of SANADA and ZSJ matches which we haven't seen in forever, excited to see that in their current forms.

I've not seen Takeshita or Lee ever work a singles match, I've only ever heard good things about Takeshita and I'm sure he won't disappoint. Lee has very iffy standing online so we'll see lol.

This G1 lineup was legit a deciding factor on whether I kept my subscription or not and I'm personally very happy with this league.

by Both-Activity9668

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