Freelance/HelloWork Q

hi all – first time poster, short-time lurker.

my question has a few parts i guess but the long and shot of it: my company has put me on a PiP and as others in my situation, it's looking like i will be out of a job after the 30th june.

of course, knowing this deadline was coming, i've been proactively looking for new roles, with middling success so far. a friend of mine works as head copywriter in a company based here, and i applied for one of their writer jobs. i was accepted based on my portfolio and test assignment, however as i've never had a full-time writer job before, they are taking me on as a freelancer until december of this year (potential negotiation for a full-time role at that time).

my question is whether having a freelance side job will impact my ability to claim hellowork benefits when the time comes? alternatively, i'm wondering if i should disclose it at all as the pay will be pretty negligible (50,000 JPY a month – it's more just to build a portfolio/gain experience so that i can leverage a full-time offer in 6 months). but of course, would rather play it safer than sorry due to the tax side.

can anyone assist? TIA

by SnooAdvice8371

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