More than 120 people died in Tokyo from heatstroke in July as average temperatures hit record highs

More than 120 people died in Tokyo from heatstroke in July as average temperatures hit record highs

by Dave_Pluck

  1. Alright, maybe I’m not tough enough to plan my visit during July/August

  2. When you think about it, that’s actually not a lot. If it was 1200 or even 12 000 I would be more worried.

  3. Yeah the heat is insane this year.

    120 might not sound like that many when you consider Tokyo’s population. But, to put this into perspective, this is roughly the same number as the road fatalities in Tokyo..per YEAR (134).

    I’d say that is pretty worrying.

  4. Honestly I can’t even tell if last month was hotter than usual because it’s just all the same hot

  5. Surprised to hear this, this summer feels milder than 2023. Last year we got almost no rainy season, July 2023 felt like right now, and IIRC August ’23 Tokyo was over 35 every day for the entire month.

  6. I went in August last year. It was ungodly levels of heat. I thoroughly enjoyed my trip but I would avoid the summer when I next go back. Coming from the UK where temperatures rarely exceed 20C on a good day, this was a real shock to the system. I didn’t know how to function.

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