Does the amount of HSP visa points over 70 really matter?


I know that there is the possibility to apply for Permanent Residence after 1 year instead of 3(?) years if you have 80 points versus 70, but I was curious if there were any other real benefits of getting more than the 70 required for the visa.

I ask because I have the ability to move sooner if I take the route that will get me 80 points, and even sooner if I go for 70, and I wasn't sure if Japan's immigration services sees you as "more desirable" if you have more than the minimum amount, or if it for the most part does not really matter other than for the special Permanent Residence provision.

For context, I am planning to move to Japan on the HSP visa in about 2-3 years, the main reason being that I want to take advantage of the ability to bring my Mother over to help take care of my future children and eventually try to get her in on a Designated Activities visa for Elderly Care. I know that getting that approved/accepted is a pretty tricky thing to do, so I was wondering if I had more HSP visa points, if it would increase my chances for that being approved later down the road.

ありがとうございます !

by DrZoidbrrrg

  1. > the main reason being that I want to take advantage of the ability to bring my Mother over to help take care of my future children

    Just so you’re aware: The childcare option for bringing in a parent isn’t a “future children” thing. It requires you or your spouse be pregnant or the child be <7 years old. So you can’t bring your mother in expectation of future kids, only once those kids actually start existing.

    As to the actual question: No, having more than 70 points won’t make a difference beyond the accelerated PR.

  2. There’s something about counting your chickens before the eggs hatch, it’s possible the rules will change between now and three years, but for now, there’s no additional benefits (beyond the PR time.)

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