Japanese vloggers in the West

Are there the equivalent of vloggers like Abroad in Japan, but reverse? Meaning Japanese vloggers speaking Japanese in the US or more broadly in the West doing odd cultural videos?

by N22-J

  1. I know a couple of channels, I’m not sure it’s 100% what you’re looking for but give them a try: Bappa Shota, ジョーブログ

  2. There’s a woman living in Paris who goes to flea markets and a depressed guy in America who does manual labour. I don’t have time to look for the links now but if either sounds compelling I can look later…

  3. It’s not quite the same, but there’s a YouTube channel called Kevin’s English Room which is in Japanese and for Japanese audiences, centered around American (and sometimes European) culture. The eponymous Kevin is a Japanese man who grew up in America before moving back to Japan.

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