Japanese campsite in Nara under fire for not allowing same-sex couples

Japanese campsite in Nara under fire for not allowing same-sex couples


  1. *”Since it is indistinguishable from friends, only heterosexual pairs will be accepted.”*

    This is sooo Japanese (military culture) with all the unnecessary classification and rules. Sounds like the intent wasn’t discrimination, just mindless rules and ignorance. Why does a campground need to know anyone’s relationship?

  2. Well it looks like they apologized and plan to fix it. May be annoying but if it only took a few days to resolve….then good!

    Wait a few days and see how it works out….the parent company seems to realize a local employee screwed up, and with the publicity they may drop the policy.

  3. why wouldn’t they just have rules for no loud noise after 〜 instead of making useless inquiries into people’s personal lives

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