We’re closing in on G1 announcements, any last minute predictions?

I’ll throw one out: SANADA and Umino won’t be in the same block, and whichever one of them doesn’t a block with Naito will beat the person who does in the finals to win the tournament.

by SevenSulivin

  1. Walker Stewart will refer to the apron as “where steel and wood collide” at least 17 times over the course of the tournament

  2. i have SANADA winning the tournament, with his final opponent being either tsuji, zack, or finlay

  3. I really don’t see the Sanada to win the G1 shouts. Nothing about his booking looks like he’s being poised for a G1 win

  4. 1- Naito comes in as IWGP Heavyweight champ

    2- One AEW talent in the tournament (or two if Mox takes part)

    3- If Moxley retains in two weeks, Umino wins; if Naito regains the belt, Tsuji wins it

  5. I won’t say it’s wide open because I feel like there’s still only a handful of guys who have a legit shot at winning. But having said that this year feels more uncertain than the last few years. Let’s run down the favorites

    Shota to me seems like the favorite to win it and if I had to bet on anyone it would be him.

    Tsuji would be my personal pick to win, but they just did Naito vs Tsuji so I don’t know if they run that again so soon.

    Naito will likely be the champion so I don’t see him winning again this year.

    Finlay is already the global champ so it probably won’t be him. Same for Cobb and GoK although I never thought they stood a chance in the first place.

    ZSJ. As much as I would like to see it, I’d be surprised if he main evented WK. however if I had to bet on any non young guy I’d probably bet on Zack.

    Shingo. Probably would my second personal pick to win it. Best wrestler left in the company in my opinion. Would love for him to have a G1 win under his belt. But I just don’t see it happening.

    Sanada. I guess some might want this but we just had this this year. I find Sanada vs Naito matches pretty boring honestly. But I won’t rule it out

    Yuya. They don’t seem to be ready to push Yuya to that next level yet like they are Shota and Tsuji. Feels like he’s gonna have a longer road to become a main event guy.

    I don’t really see a House of Torture guy winning it. Both guys just lost title matches. And it’s still hard for me to take Ren seriously as a main even guy.

    ELP. Not gonna happen. But ELP is one of my favorites. I’d love to see him climb out of the GoD rubble and find his own path and breakout. But he may not even be in it.

    So after running that down I guess I’d say the top 5 likely winners are. Shota, Tsuji, ZSJ, Shingo if he loses the never title. And whoever loses the global title matches between Sanada and Finlay.

  6. I think its a look that shota or tsuii is winning. They need stars now. They really only have Naito right about now.

  7. Hiromu will earn his way into one of the last two spots, but will not be in the same Block as Naito. Hiromu be in the same Block as Gabe Kidd, SANADA, EVIL, Moxley [Hirmo pins him, earns title shot] and ZSJ

  8. Andreza Giant Panda and Chiitan announced as the guest entrants for each block.

  9. Hiromu, Shingo, EVIL, and SANADA will all be in the same block.

    on the opposite side, Tsuji, Narita, Umino, Uemura will all be in the same block.

  10. Sanada will win and become the first(?) guy to lose his title shot when Tsuji beats him for the briefcase, setting up Tsuji vs Naito at WK.

    Claudio will be the AEW representative.

  11. Ishii and YOSHI-HASHI won’t make the cut this year

    Jake Lee is a lock

    There might be an AEW rep and I don’t think it’s Jon Moxley (I’m pulling for Penta or Takeshita)

    Naito and ZSJ will be in the same block

  12. I will watch all of the G1 if Penta is in it. It’s hard for me to make time for something like the G1 now, but I’ve done it in the past. Would really love a super great reason to do it again.

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