Publishing book in Japan: Getting ISBN (+JAN), Sole Proprietor, Declaring income

Hey folks! I am working on a book I intend to publish here in Japan, and I am now researching various required steps I need to take. Some questions I got along the way:

  1. The first thing is applying for ISBN (together with a JAN code). The website is okay, but it is sad that it does not have an English UI: Has anyone had an experience with it? Was it smooth sailing?
  2. If I want to sell my book in, let's say, Tsutaya, what is the best approach? Partner with distributors? Or go directly to the store? I have many zines and indie books in prominent locations such as T-site Daikanyama. Thus, I am wondering what their route to the shelf was.
  3. Once I get a deal with a store, should I register as a sole proprietor, or can they interact with individuals? From what I got, with Amazon KDP, you do not need to register, which is akin to selling goods on Mercari. Please correct me here If I am mistaken.
  4. There is no plan to get enormous income from this activity. 50 000 JPY max. Thus, as this is below the 200,000 JPY threshold, filing a national income tax return specifically for this side income is not required. However, it seems that even though there is no need to file a national income tax return, I need to report this side income to the City Office for local inhabitant tax purposes. I have seen quite a few posts on this sub regarding side income below the threshold, but I have never seen anyone mentioning reporting it to the City Office. Is it legitimate, or have I found some incorrect information on the internet?

I would appreciate your help here. Also, if there is someone who went through all the steps and published a book and is okay with me hitting their DM, let me know. I would love to chat!

by Waste_Construction_7

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