Working Holiday Visa

Hi I have a couple of questions

Quick background for reference:
University student; my degree offers placement year (currently doing) and have been accepted to work in Japan for the rest of my placement (yay)
Not in home country, no family, just me

This is where i’m confused/worried my manager talked to me today and said;

  • my visa only takes a month or so?!?which means i’ll be moving a LOT sooner then I thought but, I thought the visa process was longer? Is she right on this? (this is mainly for me to work out funds)

  • I’m currently not living in my home country will I need to go back to my country (UK) for any part of the visa?

  • i’m getting a working holiday visa and I read I i might need an itinerary however, i’ve not been asked for one, will this be needed later, should i prepare one?

  • Also whilst reading the page on WHV JP it says “possessing reasonable funds for the maintenance of stay during the initial period of stay in Japan” is there a specific amount I need or will they let me know?

  • Is it really as hard as people say to get a bank account and phone number in Japan? my manager will let me leave two weeks before my start date to do these and i’m worried I’m not capable/it’ll take really long (the country i’m currently working in it took 2 months so I couldn’t get paid till half way through month 3 of work and it was really stressful)

  • am I worrying for no reason? is there something I should be worried about instead?

Thank you, sorry for my annoying questions I did try my best to look for the answers myself

by meganthomson

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