How strict is tax-free item system for tourists in Japan?

I made an account just to ask this question-

I’m traveling Japan with a friend and went to Animate when some random dude came up and asked if I could buy an item for him tax-free if he gave me the money for it.

I figured it was easy to do so why not, but after leaving I was wondering if that was something shady and I made a mistake 💀 (I just wanted to do a good deed for the day) Since you have to scan your passport and there are rules for tax-free items is it going to affect me later?

(EDIT) I appreciate the comments, they were all informative. Definitely won’t be repeating again, I should’ve known to trust my gut when something seems shady. Hopefully won’t have to pay the price at the airport (although they wanted a cheap love live item so hopefully wouldnt be charged much) I’m new to traveling which is probably clear from my mistake so I’m still naive in a lot of ways.

by chocichoo

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