A student has been hoarding packets of condiments

So there is this foreign student in a class I am teaching part-time who has a habit of collecting unopened mustard sauce and other condiments from when other students order ubereats. At first it didn't bother me, but at the end of our last class I caught her voraciously eating them when no one was around. Said she just has no money to eat sometimes, which is why she's always pretending to be studying while everyone is having lunch. I emptied my wallet for her that day but there's only so much I could do.

What would you do if you were in my situation? I want to help but I don't even know how, other than to pass her some food sometimes (I also have cats mouths to feed lol). She is already a very quiet, shy person, and now catching her in the act has simply made things even more awkward because she thought I was going to scold her.

by hotbananastud69

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