Could I handle Tokyo coming from a small town?

I’m scheduled to depart with an Eikaiwa in Feb-April of next year, and currently have my preferences set for the Chubu/Kinki regions, but can’t shake the feeling that I’d rather be in Tokyo. I first requested the Kanto area when I was originally hired, but my recruiter told me that a lot of people who come from small towns (mine has a population of 7,000) end up not being able to handle the everyday grind of Tokyo, so I took his word for it and changed my preferences. Here we are a few months later, and I still am thinking of Kanto and how I would rather be there. I don’t wanna seem flaky or unsure of what I’m doing, but is it worth asking to switch preferences for location? If it’s not too late of course. Also cost of living is a factor, too. If I can’t afford to live in Tokyo on a Eikawas salary than it’s
probably not worth it.

  1. If you’d rather be in Tokyo, work in Tokyo. If it doesn’t work for you, work elsewhere.

    Most people from small towns go to larger cities to get a job, and if you have to work for a living you work no matter whether it suits you or not. Only those who can afford to pick and choose their environment based on their weakness and shortcomings can complain. You can do that too, or you can grow and fit yourself to the environment given to you.

    You can live on a low wage in Tokyo just fine as long as you choose everything based on your budget and keep your preferences out of your decisions. It’s not as costly as people on an expat package make it seem.

  2. 1. Have you ever spent a long time in any big city?

    2. Have you ever been to Japan?

    If your answer to both is no, then maybe a year outside of Tokyo would be good to use as an adjustment period.

    I come from a small town of 22,000 and even now Tokyo still gets to me.

    ALTHOUGH, Tokyo is just the 23 wards, far west Tokyo is much more chill and easier to handle.

    If you can get a place like Hachiouji or Machida, it will be easier to adjust to.

  3. I’m from a relatively small town (about 10k people) I don’t generally like big cities and only usually spend a day in them when travelling.

    Somehow Tokyo, and Osaka for that matter didn’t feel like the mega cities they are. I felt a lot of that was because of a couple factors.

    One, there is relatively little “people noise” so despite there being people everywhere, the quiet creates a calm I’ve not felt in other places.

    Two, there isn’t much traffic and public transit is amazing. Having spent time in LA. The traffic alone will give you PTSD.

    Now I’ve never worked in Tokyo, or been there for months on end. But for me as far as big cities go, it’s pretty fantastic!

  4. Odds aren’t in your favor of getting a placement in Tokyo regardless so I wouldn’t worry.

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