Bosses lying at the workplace and threatening to call the police on employees

You may remember my post from a week or two ago about my company being problematic.

Basically things are escalating with myself and other employees vs the upper management and CEO. I am already job hunting, so is my coworker. However the difference is that the company is aware about my coworker’s job hunting and unaware about me. Coworker have not send in any resignation but today they claimed he “officially said he was quitting” by saying he was job hunting. Nothing in writing. They said this was his 30 day notice. Naturally he got frustrated and raised his voice slightly. They said they would call the police on him for threatening people. He never threatened anyone and simply was denying the claims in a reasonably agitated manner. I overheard the conversation and the tone was a bit louder and frustrated, yet nowhere near what would be defined as screaming or threatening in my opinion. When he said he did not threaten anyone, they back pedaled and said it was harassment.

As for me, I have been getting treated differently since associating with said coworker over the past few weeks. This week my manager said “everyone complained” about my desk. I asked all my coworkers and they all denied it. The other manager and the coworkers desk next to the manager is so messy it’s almost unusable.

Recently, when I speak to said manager she has started ignoring me, pretending she didn’t hear me. She also makes jokes utilizing sexual innuendo or sometimes just no innuendo, just a filthy joke. I slipped up and used a swear with no students coming that day with a coworker and she heard and scolded me in front of my coworker. She later made a joke to me later that day about men not lasting in bed.

In my previous post there was a lot of talk of the contract, but regardless of the contract, are they working within their legal rights? Can they say we are quitting if they know we are looking for work? Call the cops on us for raising our voices slightly? Publically and privately reprimand us for things they themselves do? Also lie on other staff as scapegoats? And would I be within my rights to record conversations without the other party’s permission (not to post online, but for my lawyer)

This is really the tip of the ice burg but I’m using the Reddit app at work and my phone is acting like it might explode so I want to post before it does lol

Also we are actively seeking legal counsel as of today.

Thank you in advance !
EDIT: I am a woman by the way. Does not undermine how problematic my managers jokes are. Just making it clear it’s not directly a diss at me.

by Spaghetbby

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