Looking for a monthly rental near Nishiki Market

Hi, I know someone recently posted something similar but I have my own situation and am looking for any suggestions that you fine folks may have. My Japanese girlfriend and I will be moving to Kyoto at the end of January 2024 and are trying to find a place to live in Kyoto near Nishiki Market for 3 months.

We have looked at a number of websites and the best furnished apartment I was able to find will cost around 120,000 Yen per month, everything included, no other fees (I added all the fees together and divided by three) . Is this a reasonable price or should we be able to look for something better?

She even looked on Japanese websites and couldn't find much better but perhaps she just doesn't know the right websites. Does anyone have any reccomendations on where else we could look?


by dannythethechampion

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