Medication Import Form Question

I’m traveling to Nagoya to study abroad this semester and I am trying to apply for the Yunyu Kakunin-Sho, but I received a notification that I needed a prescription for all medications listed. The problem is, one of the medications I listed is Claritin, which is OTC and thus, I don’t have a prescription. I also take birth control, which I get through Planned Parenthood (I lost my job/health insurance) and I’m unsure if I would be able to find a prescription from them.

I went ahead and resubmitted the form without the Claritin and birth control and am hoping that it goes through this time. However, I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do about bringing my birth control into Japan (I use it to treat endometriosis, so leaving it at home isn’t an option). I’ll try to call PP tomorrow to see if they can provide proof of a prescription, so hopefully this is a non issue.

Not having Claritin wouldn’t be the end of the world, but it would be pretty inconvenient. Has anyone else ever imported OTC meds into Japan? How was that process and what did you do about the Yunyu Kakunin-Sho?

Tl;dr: Japan needs proof of a prescription for an OTC allergy med, but I can’t provide one since it’s OTC. Can I just bring it without putting it on the form? What do I do?

by oO0ayano0Oo

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