How do Japanese think about writing vertically vs. horizontally?

I'm a Taiwanese that recently traveled to Japan. I observed that similar to Taiwan, many text are written horizontally from left to right, but many are written vertically from right to left as well. I know that historically, we'd only been writing vertically from right to left, and that horizontal writing is introduced from the west probably decades ago. Same as Japan, in Taiwan, most books are still read vertically from right to left, but more and more text are written horizontally because of the internet and influence of western culture. As a Japanese, are you worried about the loss of culture if one day all the text are switched to horizontal? Or do you think there will still be plenty of scenarios to use vertical text? Or do you think it doesn't really matter because we don't write on bamboo slips anymore? I'm very curious about you guys's opinions. Thank you!

by ShowDense7600

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