Hospital recommendation for foreigner?

TL;DR – Foreigner tourist developed severe abdominal pain on 3rd day of trip. Feeling ok currently. Seeking hospital recommendations, preferably near Komagome station or anywhere on JR Yamonote line.

Hey. So I (38M) arrived in Toyko just a few days ago, August 4. Yesterday, the 7th, I was hit with some severe abdominal pain. I had Soba + Tempura for breakfast, then sushi for lunch, and some snacks in between. I got back to my apartment around 6 pm, and suddenly developed a massive pain in my upper abdominal region.

I spent the next hour in the fetal position on my bed, with barely any strength to move. It felt like I could have died without anyone knowing. I did message the staff at the place I was staying, and they mentioned they could call an ambulance for me (I don't have a phone number here). Not knowing anything about the Japanese medical system or costs, I declined. Eventually, the pain went away, I took a shower, then went to bed. I drank some water before bed, and the pain came back for about 30 mins. I didn't feel like my life was in danger at this point. I don't think it's food poisoning because I didn't poo or vomit.

After waking up this morning, I did a little bit of research onto what could have caused this sudden pain. I do have some mild forms of gastritis and GERD, so I think these are related to what I went through. In any case, I feel a lot better today, though the pain still comes and goes, but thanfully it's a lot milder. I didn't eat anything yet, kind of afraid to. I drank some water, and it seemed to bring some of the pain back, so I'm worried about what is going on with my body/stomach.

I might have to go to a hospital to check it out, though I am worried about the langugage barrier. So I am asking here for some recommendations on where I can go to get help.


by f00dguy

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