Cryptocurrency capital gains while on WHV (Working Holiday Visa)


I'm currently planning on entering Japan on a Working Holiday Visa in August. I am a German/US dual citizen with tax residency in Germany since 2015. I have a US accountant taking care of the US tax declarations already.

I will maintain residency in Germany and plan to sell my cryptocurrency in October (due to the favorable tax-free 1 year long term hold rule). Will the capital gains on these be taxable in Japan then?

Thank you in advance.

edit: adding this snippet I found on the wiki:

Since April 1 2017, if you acquire securities outside of Japan while you are NPR status and you sell those securities while NPR status, income from the sale is taxable in Japan even without a remittance into Japan. Capital gains from securities acquired while not a tax resident of Japan but sold while NPR are not taxable in Japan unless you remit money into Japan.

However, I know that crypto is qualified as "miscellaneous income". Does that mean that the above won't apply? I acquired a 60% of the cryptocurrencies 2 years ago and 40% of it last October.

by grammatich

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