What are my options on mid-term stay?

Hi everyone
My partner and I are planning to move to Japan in 2025 for one year. He's hoping to stay on student visa and I'm planning to be on a working holiday visa.

  1. I wanted to ask about how realistic it would be for us to rent an apartment for one year?

I've seen mixed information about how that works. Some say that a minimum contract length is 2 years but then I also recently watched someone on youtube that managed to rent for 1 year through something that look like your regular estate agency without any issues.

  1. Additionally, how likely are we to rent anything when technically we don't have any job/income? We were planning to live out of our savings but I'm not sure how would that work when working with an agency?

  2. We would have a budget of 2500$ per month for an apartment. My partner is looking for a school in Tokyo so probably that's where we would be staying. Are we going to be able to find a decent place for that money? We'd ideally like 2 separate bedrooms or a at least one separated bedroom from the living area.

  3. My partner is sill not sure whether he will be starting school in January or April but I already have concerns around moving to Japan in March/April. I've heard that even if you find a flat it can take weeks to complete all paperwork.
    -> Am I right to think that we might be in "danger" of wasting a lot of money when looking to rent a flat in March? We'd have to stay at hotels/airbnbs while looking and I'm thinking that it's the worst time to pay for that because of all tourists/high prices?

by Key_Rope6014

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