Blue shrimp with pine nuts 🤩 My first foray into West Coast sushi

Blue shrimp with pine nuts 🤩 My first foray into West Coast sushi

by smittywrbermanjensen

  1. I thought those pine nuts were actually shirako (which pairs well with shrimp). Will have to try this combo

  2. So these are like sweet shrimp. But different. Do you cure these or marinate before hand

  3. You are an *excellent* photographer! I hope you can photograph every piece of sushi you come across!

  4. Is West Coast sushi a style or are you just eating it in a particular location?

  5. Raw shrimp is one of my top 3 or 4 things, but never once have I had one with mayo on it. They’re easily overpowered.. did you try one plain with a little soy sauce?

  6. I love most sushi but raw shrimp…I’ll pass. I’m not crazy about cooked shrimp.

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