Itinerary Check: 3 days in Tokyo

Hi! My (soon to be) husband and I will be going to Japan at the end of June for our honeymoon and are spending our first three days in Tokyo. We're staying in Shinjuku and our itinerary is below – please let me know if you think this is a reasonable amount of activity or if we're missing anything that we must see on our first trip!

  • Day 1 (Thursday):
    • Grab breakfast at a konbini and head to Shinjuku national garden to walk around for the morning
    • Head to Shibuya and do yoyogi park and meiji shrine
    • Grab lunch (a friend recommended gyukatso motomuro, but open to other suggestions)
    • Walk around harajuku and do some shopping
    • See Shibuya crossing from above (I've seen mags park rooftop recommended)
    • Trying to get Shibuya sky tickets as close to sunset as possible (I've got my calendar blocked for midnight Tokyo time)
    • Dinner afterwards in Shibuya before heading back to our hotel
  • Day 2 (Friday)
    • Early morning at Tsukiji outer markets, maybe shopping around Ginza afterwards
    • Teamlab planets
    • Potentially go see the imperial palace? I've seen mixed reviews about this
    • Head over to tokyo tower to see, probably won't bother going up it but will see how we're feeling
    • Dinner and drinks in Roppongi
  • Day 3 (Saturday) – may switch this day with day 1 since it's a little more relaxed, but was worried about getting reservations for Shibuya Sky on a weekend
    • Start the day off walking around Yanaka and Ueno Park
    • Looking for lunch recommendations here – we have some time so could afford a place where we'd have to wait a while if it's worth it!
    • Visit Senso-ji and asakusa shrine
    • Dinner and drinks in golden gai/piss alley

Let me know if you'd change anything here! Obviously we want to see as much as possible but also very aware that it'll be our first few days in the country so the jet lag might hit us pretty hard.

by Routine_Papaya_6062

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