Itinerary check for first time Japan trip

Hey all,

I’m planning my first Japan trip in July. I’ve been thinking about where I want to go and which places to put together on any given day. My detailed plans are below, but the short version is that I’m flying in/out of Narita and looking to visit Kyoto and Hiroshima along with a couple days in Tokyo per a friend’s suggestion. I’m not sure if the number of days is enough or if I’m being too ambitious with my energy levels.

Day 1-2: Fly from US to Japan in the afternoon. Arrive in Japan at Narita. Head to downtown Tokyo near Tokyo station (along with getting through customs, getting a Suica card, etc.). Drop off luggage and get dinner, then rest up.

Day 3
– Take morning Shinkansen to Kyoto. Drop off luggage in a coin locker.
– Visit Toji, then head up to the Imperial Palace, Manga Museum, and Pokémon Center Kyoto.
– Check into hotel and rest up.

Day 4
– Take a bus or taxi to Kurama-dera and spend the morning there
– Afternoon I’ll walk the Philosopher’s Path and go shopping (I could use some recommendations for places, looking for traditional cultural Japan shops or streets).

Day 5
– Wake up early for Fushimi Inari Taisha in the morning
– Afternoon I’ll visit the Kyoto National Museum and Maruyama Park
– evening I’ll visit Kiyomizu-dera and Hōkan-ji

*I could easily split this day into two if recommended

Day 6
Rest day, take care of laundry and wander Kyoto

Day 7
– Travel to Hiroshima for a day trip, visiting the Atomic Bomb Dome and Peace Museum
– Possibly visit the castle nearby?
– Head back to Kyoto in the evening

Day 8

  • Ginkaku-ji in the morning
  • Shinkansen to Tokyo in the afternoon
  • Visit Mishima Skywalk on the way to Tokyo and arrive in Tokyo in the evening, stay near Shibuya.

Day 9
– Visit Nerima Ward (big Your Lie in April fan) and Shibuya. Visit Meiji Jingu. Transfer luggage to Eastern Tokyo for easy access to Akihabara next day.

Day 10
-Imperial Palace in the morning along with some gardens nearby
– Shop in Akihabara in the afternoon

Day 11
– Another laundry and wandering day

Days 12-14
Honestly I’m not really sure what to do here yet…

Day 15
– Travel to Narita and leave Japan

Hopefully this is detailed enough. Please feel free to tell me if I should postpone to travel some other time, July is the only month that works for not cramming everything in. I was originally going to do 10 days including flights. Any feedback and advice is appreciated. Thank you!

by WhaleShark222

1 comment
  1. Your schedule doesn’t look too busy. I only know Kansai so I’ll comment on that.

    Kyoto imperial palace you could skip in favor or more interesting attractions. If you take the English tour it might be more interesting.

    Don’t know where you’re staying but a taxi to Kurama sounds really expensive. Take the train up there (Eizan line) or maybe there is a bus there. On the way back to the city you could stop off at Ichijoji on Eizan line to get ramen at some of the many amazing shops. Probably not a lot of English spoken there but I’m not sure.

    For shopping there are the twin arcades of Shinkyogoku and Teramachi. Good for souvenirs as well as most of Karasuma street. Hands (formerly Tokyu Hands) is good to buy gifts, also any Loft store or Don Kihote.

    Not sure how feasible Hiroshima is as a day trip.

    No Osaka? I’d prioritize Kyoto but Osaka is at least worth a couple days.

    You could also add a day trip to Himeji castle.

    You have Ginkakuji on day 8 but that’s at the top of the philosophers path so I would do that on day 4. Did you mean Kinkakuji (golden temple)? If so I’d also tack on Ryoanji because it’s close to the golden temple, and the golden temple is a pain to get to.

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