Mobile Phone plans in Okinawa

Hi all,

I’m a former full-time resident of the Kanto region, but my studies have taken me to Okinawa this year and I’m trying to figure out what my best phone plan options are.

From what I can tell, KDDI or NTT have the best coverage over the island with I think KDDI just shading it from what I can tell. I’m planning to go the 格安SIM route but not sure what will be best.

I’m staying in Okinawa for about 6 months while I do research. It’s likely I’ll travel out of the highly populated areas particularly in the north. I will be based in Nishihara however.

Rakuten Mobile, POVO and Mineo are the companies I’m considering at the moment. I was just wondering what the go to is at the moment on the island.

I’d appreciate any advice.

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