Rejected from seeing a health professional for being a foreigner

Edit 2: pls read my latest edit. This was all done via LINE messages. I book via line and then go in/out and they’ve never discussed booking with me in person.

Hello everyone, I got rejected from an individual run clinic because I was making the booking with the incorrect date format. I am not used to the word they used which was 'nichiji' which in English translates to 'date and time'. (EDIT2) To clarify:
They wanted different options from me on different days but I only provided different times within the same day. I thought I can give different time slots within the same day as my availabilities, but what they’re asking for is both different days and times. I’m not booking two time slots in the same day. I’m offering these time slots to book only one appointment. I do not know what their availability looks like and they will not tell me. They will only try to search for something amongst the two time slots I give them, two at a time, one LINE message at a time in a standard template they use. Sometimes they will suggest a time that is close to the ones I asked for. I made them angry because they wanted me to give different dates as well, not just the time.

After correcting me once in February (I thought they just wanted more times not dates so I didn't understand) but not correcting me again for 5 months, they suddenly told me I have been breaking the rules and said they no longer want to accept reservations from me. But this whole time they let me do it incorrectly so it feels like they just needed a reason to get rid of me and it was the perfect excuse.

A few months ago she pried into my visa and study situation even though I tried to avoid her questions and my Japanese wasn't enough to explain clearly. She was getting annoyed but the more she found out, the more she kept saying "zurui" (unfair) while I was being massaged so it was a bit traumatising. She also said something about how Japanese will always prefer to hire Japanese so why would they give me a job. Fact is I have a job. She lived in the UK for 3 years before but speaks no English and is bitter she wasn't able to stay there…she's double my age but seems to be taking it out on me?

I've been crying for the past few days and feel extremely anxious and tense when talking or revealing anything to myself to others.

I speak N2 Japanese with almost no accent and look Asian but I've lived here for less than a year so I think I'm on the Uncanny Valley… people probably expect I know a lot more than I actually do.

Have you guys had similar experiences? How do you cope with micro aggressions? Is this considered xenophobia? Is it better to not share any personal information to older Japanese people??

I’m not saying I have N2 to boast, I’m saying even if I have N2 I feel I still have lots of holes and so I had trouble when she started to ask more and more questions about my personal life. I didn’t know how to tell her to stop asking and mind her own business while doing so politely and not damage the relationship.

I have a unique health issue and she’s the only practitioner in Tokyo that’s why I can’t easily find a new one.

I provided the “time and date”, but the same date was repeated. At other clinics different “time slots” exist within the same day so I thought multiple booking during the same day is fine

by lunawaffles

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