Electricity usage for those who WFH

Hey guys,

I’ve lived in Japan across multiple parts, but this is the first time where both my wife and I have both had work from home jobs at the same time.

This hasn’t really presented any issues you wouldn’t find in other countries, but being summer and living in a relatively warm part of town – I think the aircons are effectively running 24/7 on rotation to keep the inside of our apartment under 30deg.

I had a chuckle I’m in danger moment when I received our July energy bill from Tepco. The projection for August is astronomical, but it is what it is.

My question for other Japan residents is, if you work from home – how are your electricity bills looking for summer?

Our apartment is an old concrete 2LDK.
July usage was around 310kwh – around 11,000JPY

Just curious as to what others may be looking at electricity wise at this time of year!

by FunkyAnchovies

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