How do you deal with a mosquito in the car?

I swear I nearly crashed this morning trying to swat one of the little blighters while driving.

by koyanostranger

  1. Easy – buy lavender and citrus oil and keep the containers open in your car. You can buy cheap shit at Daiso or other cheap places. Mosquitos hate lavender and citrus smells. When I worked in Australia I used eucalyptus oil and tea tree oil in rooms in my house and never got bothered by the mozzies as they call them there but it`s harder to find those oils at a reasonable price here in Japan.

  2. You park your car and let it sit in the sun.

    By days end the mosquito will be dead.

  3. If it isn’t raining, I just roll the window down. If you’re driving anything faster than 30km/hr, it should fly right now.

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