Magnitude 5.3 Earthquake in Kanagawa Prefecture

Magnitude 5.3 Earthquake in Kanagawa Prefecture

by leeta0028

  1. Kanagawa reporting. Was about to step into the elevator at home. Inside now, and figures are intact. Stay safe out there, kids.

  2. Yeah I was in a restaurant in Yokohama and everyone’s phones went off at the same time. It was wild

  3. I was in an onsen in Hakone. Was my first time experiencing an earthquake so obviously my heart was racing, immediately walked out. And at the same time a Japanese dude casually walks into the pool as if nothing happened.

  4. It was a pretty good one. Very shallow (10km) probably nothing to do with the Nankai Trough warming. A small local fault righting itself.

  5. Alarm was scarier than the quake. Shaking lasted maybe about 15 seconds in Kawasaki, though it made plenty of noise.

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