Textbook recommendations for N4/N3?

I completed genki 1 and 2 in university. Then in my 3rd year of university we worked on a textbook called JBridge (which i didn’t find very good at the time). I really want to brush up on my reading and writing skills for mainly N4 as I’ve been only concentrating on kanji for the past 2-3 years with various/questionable amounts of success due to motivation issues and life stuff. I know Minna no Nihongo is quite common but i don’t want to use this textbook if possible just in case the Japanese language school uses this for when I eventually go to Japan (also just in case if i somehow manage to fuck up the placement test, but idk – open to use it if it’s that good).

Asking because just reading my notes and going through my genki textbooks is extremely boring and isn’t immersive enough for me to concentrate and study with (i want to also write) as I have a tendency to procrastinate.

  1. Japanese for Busy People 3 (the red one) and workbook were useful. Being more comprehensive would be Minna No Nihongo Chukyu 1, but be warned it’s mega dull.

  2. For reading, Satori Reader is a graded reader with a ton of grammar explanations for the N4-N3 level and might suit you better than a textbook for reviewing N5+N4 and learning N3 grammar.

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