Stores running out of stocks in Kansai area

Hi all, I am in Kyoto and visited my local supermarket today morning and found rice is out of stocks. Went another one and same there too. Many Amazon stores are are all running out of rice stocks or price has increased. Am I the only one or anyone else facing similar situation?

by YellaKuttu

  1. There’s been a start of a rice shortage before the whole earthquake fiasco so

  2. You should keep a stock of rice, even without the current panic because of the earthquake. Even a single extra 5kg bag will last you way more than a month if you are a single person. Personally we always have 20 to 50kg which is 3 to 6 months supply for a family of 3.

  3. Yeah here in Osaka too. I thought maybe I’ll buy an extra water or 2 for the emergency bag but the supermarket shelves were bare.

  4. It’s a combination of factors:

    – Rumours of a rice shortage because of a poor rainy season made some people panic buy rice

    – Rumours of a mega-quake being due sometime “soon” in the east of Japan made more people panic buy stuff in general, including rice

    … and in that great vicious cycle …

    – Rumours of panic buying made more people panic buy.

  5. Too many tourists.

    So many our rice supplies cannot sustain the tourist load.

    It is about time we close the gates.

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