How much demand for workers is there in Osaka, Japan?

Would a foreigner who speaks Japanese struggle to get a job there?
And how much do those of you who live there earn?

Edit: I mean blue-collar workers.

by Apprehensive_One7151

  1. These are very broad questions.

    What type of job are you looking for?
    Where are you coming from?
    What are you expecting to make?
    How long do you see yourself here?

    There are also other questions that need to be explored, because **that depends.** There are definitely jobs available at fast food, convenience stores, bars, restaurants, but is that what you’re looking for?

  2. 250,000-300,000 jpy a month would be sufficient enough to live a simple/single life on in Osaka. If you are frugal you could also save a bit each month on that salary. Definitely not extravagant but comfortable.

    The issue with Osaka is finding higher paying jobs and career progression. They exist, just not nearly to the same extent as Tokyo.

    As others said, ‘blue collar work’ is very broad. Do you have specific trade skills? And finding labor type work that would pay 250,000+ I would imagine is also difficult.

  3. If you are coming from the US, you need a college degree to get here. I have never heard of an American coming here without one. If you want to get an unskilled labor job, they aren’t even going to call you because they can get a Filipino or Nepali to work for 1/3 of what they assume you will want. Plus, they’ll be better employees. Moreover, they’ll get 3 Nepalis instead of you and they’ll all share a single room and send all of their money back home. Americans will want to find themselves or party and will probably quit as soon as they perceive something ‘stupid’ or ‘unfair’ is happening to them.

    TLDR: You aren’t getting a blue collar job to sponsor your work visa from the US. You need to go to college first or just learn to be happy holding a stop sign on the interstate while potholes are fixed.

  4. Finding a job is difficult for everyone everywhere in our current time. Speaking the language doesn’t give you a free pass.

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