Is pursuing PhD in Japan worth it in the current circumstances?

I guess I am just being nervous because of the latest news, so I thought discussing the topic with other people might ease my anxiety a bit.

I am preparing to leave for Japan in September as a MEXT scholar pursuing PhD (will start as a research student progressing to a degree program) – basically returning to the university where I had my Master's, and I am also going to work under the supervision of the same professor who also recommended me to apply to a PhD because I have "the skills and the mindset for it" lol.

I am 27 currently, and giving the fact that most of the people on my program do graduate within 3 years, I'll be around 30 once I get my degree, hopefully. I have some experience working in the past in my third-world home country (which I am trying to escape) + had a short-term consulting job in Dubai of all places, so I can compare the academia to an actual corporate job. I also speak several languages, so could probably get a part-time work as a teacher, although I don't know how if it is actually possible in Japan without the qualifications.

I have lived in Japan before for 6-7 months – and absolutely loved the experience, although perhaps the fact that my university is stationed outside the major cities contributed to this. I know that the PhD is hard, but I do enjoy conducting research in my area and am passionate about the topic (don't want to be too specific, but it's within Social Sciences). The question is: later down the line, will it help me to stay in Japan and find a job/part-time job during my studies? Are the salaries really getting so much worse? Foreigners with a PhD without a tech background don't really have a chance here? I would like to support my family back home as well, but all this talk about economic collapse is making it hard to keep an optimistic outlook on everything.

I will try to learn Japanese as well, as I have already started with the basics before my departure, if that's changing anything, but now I speak very basic "onegaishimasu" Japanese. 

Basically just interested to hear from people with similar experiences and backgrounds – would you have pursued career over PhD, is it not too late to start looking for jobs in your 30s even if academia disappoints you, am I overthinking at my age or not thinking enough, etc. etc.?

by urzaraa

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