Can Japan step up to the challenge of defending Taiwan without the United States? — Geopolitics Conversations

Can Japan step up to the challenge of defending Taiwan without the United States? — Geopolitics Conversations

by Benkei87

  1. Does Japan have the military power to stop China from invading? I doubt it unless they’re hiding super technology somewhere.

  2. Short run, yes, but not long term. It’ll be a lot more realistic having Japan and Taiwan fight the CCP with the US indirectly supporting them, Ukrainian style.

  3. America abandoning Taiwan won’t happen, it’s against all their interests to do so. Taiwan has been a US ally for as long as Taiwan has been Taiwan. As long as the US promises to protect Taiwan, China won’t invade either, along with US allies like Japan, South Korea, Australia etc also being united in protecting Taiwan.

    If the US abandoned Taiwan then no Japan probably couldn’t defend it, but the scenario doesn’t make sense. It isn’t like Ukraine at all, there won’t be an invasion of Taiwan.

  4. 如果没有美国,日本人民为什么要保卫台湾地区,以什么理由?



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