**①Karaoke & Learning Japanese**
I am using Japanese songs as learning material for my English exercise. This material could be useful for someone wants to learn Japanese by song or wants to practice Karaoke.
Intentionally, I will introduce “Not New Songs” but popular songs amongst Japanese or little unknown but masterpiece.
Today, We will see the first part of lyrics of 家族の風景. The name of musician is ハナレグミ. Lyrics Writer and Composer is 永積タカシ(ながづみ たかし).
**②Instruction: How to practice?**
1, First, check [the Music Video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5boRsZaSbE&t=194s)
2, You can also check the meaning of words in lyrics and Interpretation of lyrics in my blog. (Reddit does not make contract with JASRAC, copyright management organization, while other websites such as はてなblog, and YouTube make the contract, so I will introduce lyrics in those websites.)
To find out the Lyrics part quickly, I colored the section green.
[Lyrics 1st part and Interpretation](https://motolearningdoujou.hatenablog.com/entry/2021/10/16/111514)
3, Try to remember the words and expressions while you try to practice Karaoke. I am practicing Karaoke like this.
[My Karaoke Practice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob-d_lmz6f8)
(Sometimes, the key of original song is high or low. In this situation, try to adjust the key by Karaoke machine.)
4, Writing Activity:
Pick up some words from 1st part of lyrics and try to write sentences with the words. It is OK to write simply single sentence or longer dialogue sentences like Person A and B’s conversation.
5, Write your sentences in the below comment section in 48 hours since this thread is posted. I will check your sentences. Although I cannot respond to all (Especially, off topic) because I have limitation of time, I try to comment.
6. Example:
I will show you examples. I picked up some words from the 1st part of Lyrics, chose some words, wrote single sentence and also dialogue as simulation for speaking practice.
**Words from Lyrics**
1,どこにでも 2,風景(ふうけい)3,家族(かぞく)4,他人(たにん)5,愛しい(いとしい) 6,距離(きょり)
**(1, どこにでも)**
**(6, 距離)**
A: Bさんは引っ越(ひっこ)すらしいですね。どこに引っ越すんですか。
B: 新しい職場(しょくば)が新宿(しんじゅく)なので、中野(なかの)あたりに引っ越そうと思っています。
A: もう、物件(ぶっけん)は決めたんですか。
B: うーん、まだ決めてないんですよね。2つほど迷(まよ)っている物件があって、 一つは駅から徒歩(とほ)5分で、近くにスーパーもあって便利なんですが、駅から近いだけあって家賃(やちん)が高いんですよね。もう一つの物件は、駅から歩いて15分なんで、距離があるんですが、静かな住宅街(じゅうたくがい)の中で家賃(やちん)も比較的(ひかくてき)、安いんですよ。Aさんだったら、どっちを選(えら)びますか。
A; うーん、僕だったら、静かな環境(かんきょう)が好きなんで、2つ目の物件を選びますね。
If you add explanation and English translation, it will be helpful to understand and check your sentences more accurately.
**③Song & Lyrics Reference**
Takashi Nagazumi. (2002). Title of song “家族の風景”. Title of album “家族の風景”. Record Label “ファイブスターズ”.
作詞:永積 タカシ, 作曲:永積 タカシ, 2002年, 曲名:家族の風景, アルバム名:家族の風景, レーベル名:ファイブスターズ
**④Question and Comment**
If you have some questions about the topic, ask me on the comment section. If you ask me something in English, I will respond in English. If Japanese, I will respond in Japanese. Although I cannot respond to all (Especially, off topic) because I have limitation of time, I try to comment back.
**⑤Update Alert by SNS**
I will continue to upload of this series. You can easily get each time update, if you follow my SNS.
**⑥Other Activities**
[All Grammar Topic and Video List for JLPT N5](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YOjKcx4E9WwCacV0gUcEcKGlwaBFlKCHiRecSpvpIgY/edit#gid=0)
[Japanese Songs & Karaoke List](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TCF8jQAyHetU3p4uL6ozQl_ozXiDgUY7l3eyDKkiolQ/edit#gid=0)