Starting a career and settling in Japan

I'm contemplating doing an MS( computer science) in Japan, I want to find a relevant job and settle down in Japan for a few years. I found that the number of international courses offered by Japanese in CS are really low. Also, I have an opportunity to pursue MS in the USA but I don't want to go there due to my obsession with settling down in Japan. I'm at a crossroad and should choose doing an MS in the USA or in Japan.I feel like i'm looking at japan through rose tinted glasses. I'm very much willing to learn Japanese and get used to the environment there. My concern is about my lack of knowledge about the challenges faced when job hunting after graduation and uncertainties about moving into Japan. As a foreigner, is it possible to find a job in japan after a graduate course from a Japanese university? Will you recommend settling down in Japan ??

by Jakes_0407

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