Deep pools in Japan

I got interested while reading that last post about swimming lessons. My friend lives in Toyama, and he complained that all Japanese swimming pools have no deep end! Is this true?

  1. It’s the same as saying all Japanese people like to eat natto when the people around you eat natto.

  2. I’ve been to a water park in Itami where the water slides went into a five foot deep pool.

  3. Your friend might’ve been generalizing, because obviously deeper pools do exist in private gyms or institutions, but he’s right in the general sense.

    Pools at all schools are all usually capped at 1.5 meters at most, as are most publicly managed swimming pools and facilities. These pools make up the vast majority of Japan’s swimming pools so for the *most* part he’s right, Japan has a *lot* of shallow pools.

    But it’s not too hard in larger cities to find a 3-4 meter deep pool if you want to.

  4. I’m a swimming teacher and have seen a lot of pools around Tokyo. Only deep pools I’ve seen are for divers to practice. Doesn’t mean they don’t exist but I’ve trained in a couple of the Olympic pools, seen a lot of private and community pools.
    Oh I just checked the Tokyo aquatics center pool ahs a moveable floor and can go up to 3 meters deep.

  5. Your friend is a dumbass. There are pools built specifically for diving which are deep, obviously. There are Olympic sized pools made for swimming laps which are deeper than a pool that you’d install in your house. If your friend is looking for something deeper, he can just walk into the ocean.

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