Gedo is so predictable

As soon as Mox beat Naito for the title I knew Naito will win it back from Mox I thought it would of been today which would of been better but 100% he wins it at FD can Gedo change he’s ways I been watching 2017 and it’s so predictable in booking I love the matches and the product but Gedo change it up !

by benclancey4589

  1. Naito winning the title back is good, he is their biggest star and they need him to be champ heading into WK.

  2. Does this sub even enjoy NJPW? Mox wins the title, people melt down. Naito is poised to reclaim the title and it’s “predictable.” What’s with the so-called fans not having the emotional maturity to handle booking decisions? I’ve been loosely following NJPW for 20 years and on this sub for less than a year and I just don’t get it.

  3. i wasn’t sure if they’d go that route or if mox would put over someone young to help jumpstart the new wave.

    but im stoked on naito winning the title back at forbidden door. i like the move.

  4. Gedo’s booking has always been predictable, because Gedo books logically. It’s usually obvious around about April who’s getting pushed that year, and once you’re on the wavelength it becomes obvious who’s winning when and why.

    That said, there’s a non-zero chance Mox wins if they have him as a special attraction for the G1.

  5. I think there is some crazy phenomenon where people have this insane confirmation bias with New Japan’s booking. The amount of times people come here shocked and outraged because they were convinced they knew the story well in advance and the bookers took another direction, yet still think under this assumption that New Japan is this formulaic and predictable company.

    Not necessarily saying this is you, I just see this so often that people only seem to remember the time they predicted how New Japan would be booked and forget the times they didn’t.

  6. Naito and Tanahashi are too broken to hold the big one anymore. If Mox drops that belt to Naito, not one of the young 4, I swear to god…

  7. Interesting bc everyone was having a meltdown about Hiromu not being in the semi finals of BOSJ, despite the fact everyone supposedly knew he was in the finals

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