Do those pocket wi-fi things (like from AU) work everywhere in Japan?

Sorry if this is an ignorant question. Just wondering if I can head out to the extremes of Japan with one of those and if it will work or not.

  1. I did a road trip along the coast of japan from Nagasaki to kanagawa including all of Hokkaido using only free roads and following the coast line as close as possible and my softbank sim pocket wifi or my docomo network phone never had any problems with signal. The big 3 carriers network coverage is pretty good especially if you have a domestic model phone /pocket wifi with all bands.

  2. Everywhere a cell phone would work, which is just about everywhere.

    For real, a few years ago you could occasionally go out of range in a tunnel, or on a mountain, or while riding a bullet train, but in the last five years I can’t think of any place I didn’t have at least one or two bars and I have been in all of those places not to mention multiple rural nowheresvilles.

    Seems like the final 3g deployment all but blanketed every inch of the country, even the second-basement bars (I used to drink at one that bought their own repeater early on the days of 3g).

  3. There are places in my rural hilly area where they don’t work, and where cell phone signal in general is intermittent, and only available on one company network

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